Sunday, September 21, 2014

Annnd...what the heck, here's another shot of our other niece, ten year-old Katie, taking us to the 8000-foot summit over Paulina Lake filling the Newberry volcanic caldera near Bend, Oregon.

Come on, Auntie Ruth and Uncle Gib! It's just a little farther to the top!
We're back from having a great two-weeks out west with family in Boulder, Seattle, and Bend, Oregon. While busily putting together our book "Here and There-This and That" for publication (hopefully before the holidays), we'll post photos and comments from this last trip (and earlier ones).  Enjoy.

Last week; niece Laura leading us up a trail starting-can you believe it?-at the west end of a street in Boulder.
This end of the trail is just above downtown Boulder. From there she's taking us to the Rio Grande Restaurant that serves the best Mexican food imaginable!