Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Our continuing adventure atop Mt. Evans…and the wind up there!
Topping Mt. Evans-II
                                            Give her a camera and there’s no stopping her
            I yelled, “Let’s go before we’re blown off!”
            Undeterred, she had the camera pointed a thousand feet down at the sparkling oval of Summit Lake. “Wait! The sun’s changing the lake’s color to emerald!”
            Half an hour later we were down there. Across the lake we saw hikers climbing a trail winding up the flanks of the mountain to the peak we’d just been on. Delighted, we saw several supposedly wild and shy mountain goats maybe twenty feet to our right. Fed up with us because we wouldn’t feed them (not allowed), they had gone back to munching the dry grass.
            And just ahead, punctuating our wilderness scene in a way laughingly out of synch with all of this-was a crew filming a deodorant commercial! Carrying a tall, white reflector panel, two crew members walked past us up the trail. Coming down it a hundred feet farther on, along with her male fellow model was a tall, beautiful brunette in hiking shorts and short-sleeve blouse.
                                  Flank of Mt. Evans and the crew going back up for another take
            The director called to her, “Kathy, you mind doing another take? This panel we’re setting up will give you much better lighting!”
            Cheerfully saluting him with her water bottle she said, “Sure! Be happy to!” and headed back up, her co-star in tow.
            Looking at me, Ruthie snickered, “Dear, are you sure this is a Fourteener we’re on!?” This drew a laugh out of me too. Then she caught me staring hungrily at the buffet tables they had set up. Still smiling, she shook her head and nudged me toward the car. “Come on, dear! You can buy us dinner in Boulder!”


  1. The crew should have checked your armpits. There may have been a chance for a ringing endoresment of their product - and the start of a career for you; as a deoderant model!

  2. Nah! Nothing covers the smell of bratwurst oozing from our pores! All I wanted from the crew was their buffet table!
